I ran across a forum post written by Ali which I thought was very informative while I was studying how to start investing in real estate and reach out to her for an initial consultation. She is an A.M.A.Z.I.N.G. coach and mentor, listening to my needs and providing timely advice and connecting me with the right people. One of the problems with the internet is that there is so much information freely available, it is sometimes very difficult to distinguish between what is reliable and relevant to your situation and what’s not. Ali’s advice allowed me to make decisions related to investment much faster by cutting through the clutter and I am in the process of closing on my first property. She is also reliable, super easy to work with, provides honest feedback and I never felt being pushed in a certain direction. I think she had a video for almost every question I had, so if you are new to real estate investing, especially turn key, I would suggest checking out her YouTube channel. If you like what you see, I highly recommend signing up for a group coaching session. I definitely see myself continue to work with Ali in the future.